Happy Earth Day Upcyclers! Earth Day is special to us not only for bringing environmental issues to the foreground, but also because it marks the anniversary of Upcycle That. This time last year we were founding UT! So we’re celebrating Earth Day this year with a cake of sorts, a tiered succulent planter kind of a cake. It’s no surprise that we love succulents so this upcycle seems especially fitting for our 1 year anniversary.

Tiered succulent planter

This tiered succulent planter is not actually edible, but makes for the most delicious home decor. It uses two old fashioned light glass covers and a candle stick. All of these can be found at your local Habitat for Humanity Restore, thrift store or might even currently be in your garage.

tiered succulent planter

How to make a tiered succulent planter

The method for this one is exquisitely simple. First glue the bottom of the candle stick to the inside of the large glass cover. Then glue the small glass cover to the top of the candle stick. For this job we recommend using UV glue or silicone sealant. We don’t recommend using hot glue as the planter will be heavy once filled and you really don’t want your tiered planter to fall apart after the fact. Once you have sourced your glass covers and candle stick you can always check in on This to That for a solid glue recommendation.

Let your glue set and then fill the glass tiers with soil and add your succulents. The choice is entirely yours. If you’re looking to offset some carbon we recommend using Spekboom/Elephant’s foot which has incredible carbon storing abilities. Once you’re done planting, finish your tiered succulent planter off with some decorative rocks and admire your work.

Be sure to save us a slice!

Source: Addicted 2 Decorating

tiered succulent planter
Spekboom or Elephant’s foot

Earth Day

Earth day is celebrated internationally on April 22nd. Events are held worldwide to show support for environmental issues and protection. Some communities celebrate an entire Earth week. We are partial ourselves to extending the event over few days.

Find out more about Earth Day.

2 Thoughts on Two-Tiered Succulent Planter

  1. Love it:-)

  2. Pingback: Upcycling Makes DIY More Sustainable - Sister Eden

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