Hannukah comes early this year so it’s about time we get cracking on our Hannukah upcycles. Does your family have special Hannukiahs that you use each year or do you like to shake it up? If you like to get creative for Hannukah then you’ll love this. Presenting the PEZnorah.

the peznorah

The PEZnorah is certainly not your standard Hannukiah. We just love how it brings even more candy and fun into an already sweet festival. Hannukah is the festival of lights and the Hannukiah is central to the celebrations.

the peznorahThis PEZnorah is fairly simple to make. First gather the 9 PEZ dispensers you want to upcycle. In a classic DIY hannukah move you will use metal nuts as the candle base holders. Glue a nut to each of the heads of the PEZ dispensers and then glue the dispensers to the hannukiah base you are using. A block of wood or some other offcut would work well for this. Be sure to elevate your shamash or “attendant candle” on a little platform so that it stands above the rest of the candles.

Your PEZnorah is now ready to burn bright with candles.

Remember to light from left to right!

Source: Lifehacker

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