A succulent brick wall, this is what dreams are made of. Just when we thought we couldn’t love succulents or vertical planters even more this idea came along. A succulent brick wall: simple, beautiful and brilliant. Start saving your bricks.
This idea comes from Lily Huynh of Seattle, Washington. As a fellow succulent fan, Lily decided she wanted to get married in front of a wall of succulents. To make her succulent brick wall Lily bought engineering bricks from Earthwise in Seattle and got succulent clippings from a generous friend. She then assembled the brick-ulents.
Here’s how to make a succulent brick wall:
- Source engineering bricks. These are the bricks with 3 holes, although they can have up to 10 or even 16 holes. Don’t be afraid to mix it up with bricks with various amounts of holes.
- Now get your succulents. Succulent clippings do really well. So if you don’t want to buy new succulents don’t be shy to ask your friends for clippings.
- Mix potting soil with cactus soil for a succulent friendly mix.
- Place your brick holes down in a baking pan with about a half inch of water at the bottom. Fill the holes with soil and arrange your succulents in the holes.
- Place the newly assembled brick-ulent somewhere were it can rest for a few days. This will give the succulents a chance to acclimatize before turning the bricks sideways in a vertical planter.
- When the succulents are ready arrange your new succulent brick wall.
- Invite friends over to admire your handiwork.
Design*Sponge At Home book
Lily Huynh of nincomsoup
Charlotte Fischer for the upcycle lead
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I’d only add that you can use the back side of the bricks, some robust wire or even some metal rods/frames and a few bolts to secure the construction well, thus allowing it to grow up.
Awesome, thanks for the tip!