This shipping container house takes upcycling to the next level! Located at the Bedford Marina in England, this is a shipping container house with a view! It was built in just 3 and a half months by upcycle product designer and TV presenter Max McMurdo. Let’s take a peek inside Max’s sweet upcycled home.

shipping container house

Max first started dreaming up his shipping container house when he was 25. At the time, he was self-employed and living with his parents. So he put the idea on hold. Now a successful upcycling entrepreneur, Max’s shipping container dreams have become a reality.

shipping container house

In order to plan for the layout of his future home, Max spent some time in the empty shipping container, figuring out where everything should go.

I spent some time in the container, moving around, pretending to make a cup of tea and sitting in a chair, trying to figure out how I could live in the space.

We love that one side of the container is completely open. Large, glass folding doors allow for lots of natural light and connect the outdoor space. Slim, acrylic panels provide privacy and shade as needed.

shipping container house

This shipping container house was not Max’s first experience working with shipping containers. He previously built a shipping container office. The riverside house had some new challenges though; the placement of everything in the container had a lot to do with balanced weight distribution.

shipping container house

The full-sized kitchen range had to be placed dead centre in the container for this very reason. It’s used for cooking and also powers the underfloor heating and heats the house’s water.

shipping container house

We love the quirky gelatin-mold lights above the breakfast bar!

vintage gelatin-mold lights

Max managed to fit a king sized bed into the bedroom. He also wanted access to both sides of the bed. The floating candy jar lights were a brilliant solution as they allow for uncluttered bedside tables.

Shipping container house

The shipper container house’s living room is open plan, with cool shelves that fold into perches or can hide away.

shipping container house

We love Max’s creative upcycled furniture touches. The bunsen burner candelabra and vintage crate bookshelves really bring the heart into this shipping container house!

Upcycled touches - shipping container house

Source: Houzz

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