Imagine you were running along the beach and you came across 3 giant plastic bottle fish sculptures. What would you think? Well, if you were in Botofogo beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that’s just what you would see.
The plastic bottle fish sculptures are made from salvaged plastic bottles. The installation was created for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, which happened earlier this year in June. Rio+20 is the short name for the event, named for the 1992 Earth Summit that took place 20 years ago in Rio. The Rio+20 sustainable development conference was centred around coming together internationally to build a sustainable future.
With these plastic bottle fish sculptures the message is the medium. The installation was accompanied by a sign reading: recicle suas atitudes – recycle your attitude. 3 giant plastic fish sculptures on the beach highlighting plastic as an major oceanic pollutant. To draw even more attention the sculptures were lit up at night.
What do you think about this installation?
Source: Twisted Sifter
Looks awesome!
This is great .
Love this!
I think its a crying shame on us stooppid humans that there are just so many plastic bottles in the sea in such a beautiful region of the planet. Bearing in mind all of the planet would be lush and beautiful f it weren’t for us stooopid humans. I hope it made a few people stop and think. Eradicate Ecocide – today..
Just so sad that they never took these down or moved them after the UN left and the tide swept ALL OF THE BOTTLES back into the sea! Stupid Human Artists and Politicians.
How long did it take ? How did you make that ?