It feels like Halloween would not be complete without Halloween spider decorations. We decided to get super creative with these. Our spiders are made from wine corks and our spider web window displays are crafted from old windows. The hand spun spider webs are supported by loofah mesh! We love the results. Read further to find out how we did it.

Halloween spider decorations

How to make Halloween spider decorations:

Let’s start with the spiders. To make our Halloween spiders we gathered wine corks and then painted them black.

Halloween spider decoartions

We let the corks dry and then added pipe cleaner legs. We cut our pipe cleaners so that we could use 1 pipe cleaner for each set of 8 spider legs. We then hot glued googly eyes on. We had a lot of fun with this; as you can see we tried out all sorts of combinations for how many eyes went on each spider.

Halloween spider decorations

For the spider window displays we got really inventive. We once bought a shower loofah that felt apart on its maiden use. Determined not to waste, we tucked it aside for a future upcycle. When time came to create Halloween spider decorations, it seemed perfect to use as the background for the spider web windows. If you don’t have a loofah you could use scrap fabric or tulle.

Halloween Spider decorations

Given that the loofah was originally green, the first step was painting it black. To do this we pinned our loofah mesh to newspaper and used a sponge brush to paint it.

Halloween spider decorations

We let this dry and then attached the loofah mesh to the window frame with a staple gun.

Halloween spider decorations

Then we trim the excess mesh off.

halloween spider decorations

One of the most fun parts of making these Halloween spider decorations was figuring out how spiders actually spin their webs. This David Attenborough Youtube clip was fascinating and really helps explain the process. Take a look:

Like real spiders do, for our spider web we started by building the inner spokes of the web. To do this we stitched a line from one side of the window frame to another. Then we looped back to the middle of the line. This became the centre point of the web. From here we created another spoke by stitching out from the middle to another side of the window frame. We then stitched back to the centre point again. We kept doing this until we had the central structure of spokes. Then we weaved a circle from the inside of the web out. The photos below highlight the process.

Halloween spider decorations

Once you’re done weaving your web, tuck your wine cork spiders inside your window frame. Now step back and admire your awesome Halloween spider decorations.

halloween spider decorations

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