Our friends at Bottle Cutting Inc. are back with a new Kickstarter, the firefly pendant light kit. Do you remember the Kinkajou? It’s a bottle cutter that allows you to cut and reuse your beer and wine bottles. With the firefly pendant light kit you can now turn your upcycled glassware into gorgeous pendant lighting.
The origin of the firefly pendant light kit
The firefly pendant light kit is something that Kinkajou founder, Patrick Lehoux has been dreaming up for a while now. The Kinkajou was launched successfully in October 2012. Since then, Lehoux has been blown away by the creativity of upcyclers using the Kinkajou. Many people were using their bottle cutters to create pendant lights. The common problem was that incandescent light bulbs burn too hot for many glass bottles. That’s why Lehoux chose to use LED bulbs for the firefly pendant light kits. The secondary benefits are that LED bulbs last longer and are more energy efficient.
Included in the firefly pendant light kit
Included in the firefly pendant light kit is a top plate, rope, AD to DC converter for the LED bulb, the actual LED bulb and the silicone bottleneck insert. The silicone bottle neck insert is what separates the firefly pendant light kit from regular pendant light kits. When positioned inside the bottle neck, the silicone insert enables the bottle to stand straight. Because it is made of silicone and has ridges, heat is able to escape without damaging the bottle.
When designing the firefly pendant light kit, another priority for Lehoux was that it would be easy to switch out the bottles. Meaning that if you came across another bottle you preferred, it would be simple to use that for your pendant light instead.
The firefly pendant kit is ready for production and just needs the initial funding on Kickstarter. There are loads of options for early bird backers including dimming and non-dimming LED firefly pendant light kits. There is also an option which includes a Kinkajou bottle cutter as well.
WAY TO EXPENSIVE !!!! $nearly $50.00 can we get the cost down and I will buy them
Hi Ron, This is a Bottle Cutting Inc. product but I had a look on their website and I don’t think they sell them currently..